How to reach Jack
How does the subscription work?
Subscription for the app is made through the Apple AppStore or Google Play Store and can be in 1 month, 3 month or 1 year recurring payments. You may cancel your subscription anytime before the next billing date.
How much does it cost?
Access to Jack’s monthly training programs costs £21 -£30 per month.
That’s less than £1 / day and a LOT less than a personal consultation by Jack or any high level trainer.
How does the subscription work?
Subscription for the app is made through the Apple AppStore or Google Play Store and can be in 1 month, 3 month or 1 year recurring payments. You may cancel your subscription anytime before the next billing date.
1:1 Coaching
Sometimes I’m able to take on new 1:1 coaching clients in London or virtually online. If you would like to inquire, please send me a message here.
Due to the volume of requests, I am unable to provide coaching and training advice by email.
Media enquiries
I welcomes opportunities for comment, media features, appearances, speaking engagements and writing articles.
Brand Partnerships
I also have experience in brand partnerships, ambassador support or consulting from collaborations with Under Armour, Prevayl, Polar and others.